Lose weight with your nutritionist in Barcelona with a Nutritional Plan
Losing weight is possible with the best diet to lose weight. A nutritionist through a nutritional evaluation will propose a healthy diet made with seasonal products. Get your goals with a good Nutritional Plan!
With a bioimpedance scale a complete evaluation of weight and body components is carried out, from taking measurements to an analysis of the components such as weight, total fat of the BMI, the percentage of hydration, metabolic age among others.
55€ (60 min)
A good diet can help you to lose weight or meet your goals. With a elaborate plan with products accessible to all people, you will achieve your ideal weight .
40€ (60 min)
In order to be able to control lose weight adequately or to achieve your goals, we organize a control session so that there is a follow-up of the nutritional plan. Adapting diets to the objectives that best suit each one.
40€ (60 min)
Stepping on the scale is the worst fear most people have. But sometimes a number is not enough to know what diet we have to follow. Are you thinking of miracle diets to lose weight fast? They are useless!
We must think of nutrition as a lifestyle. Health is the most important thing, so you must follow nutritional guidelines that help you achieve the goals you are looking for. The best diet is one that is made with a balanced nutritional plan . This is achieved by means of a bioimpedance scale that, in addition to calculating weight, performs an analysis of the components of the body.
It may be that a person is within the ideal weight but has excess fat in certain areas. Therefore, through the nutritionist you can combat fat or improve other aspects and achieve your goals with the best help and advice.